Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Marriage is a Right
So I fell in love with two chicks, Kristina and her daughter Willow. Kristina insists that she is "our" daughter. I'm still training my tongue to say that.
Today we get/got (depending on when you read this) married. We explained to Willow that she'll be staying with gramma Debi for the weekend because we are getting married. So all week Willow's been telling people, "We getting married."
Speaking of gay marriage, a moron whom I engaged in a blog-comment argument, said gays don't have the right to get married because marriage is a privilege and not a right. I'm still trying to work out that asinine bit of illogic.
Anyway, here is what Kristina and I put in our wedding program. Written by my beautiful wife, it pretty much sums it up for me. Please, support EVERYONE'S rights in all things!
Program Note
Though neither of us believe in the conventions of marriage, we note that there are certain liberties and social graces we will receive as a married couple. The decision to be a couple in the eyes of the law is an easy one when a child is involved and you will reap the rewards. But there are millions of people who aren’t allowed to wed despite what they need, and it is for this reason that we cannot take our right/privilege to marry lightly. Gay and lesbian couples all over this country are denied the same rights as heterosexual couples and this is an injustice we cannot stand for. We encourage everyone to spread awareness about this issue, educate others on the topic and take your right to marry seriously.
No one is free when others are oppressed.
June 2009 is LGBT month.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Moral Absolutes
Lying. "Gramma you look great." "No, you don't look fat." "Yes, honey your solo sounded beautiful!"
Stealing. When someone's starving or their kids are starving...most of us wouldn't begrudge a single mother ripping off a store in desperate times.
Killing. Come on. We have self defense and justifiable homicide. Many of us support war.
The list goes on.
There are circumstances which make "bad" acts acceptable, necessary, sometimes morally imperative. Therefor the moral rules forbidding the acts are not absolute.
Most people who profess belief in the bible (and, I would guess, any other religious text) don't follow the laws therein contained to the letter. Everyone makes exceptions, allows for exigent circumstances. We interpret the laws and decide by various processes whether or not an act is "justified."
All this interpretation comes from our collective work as a community, whatever community we happen to live it. None of it comes from the bible or any religious text. The religious text just states the absolute law. We decide when it's acceptable, justifiable or necessary to break it. And laws that govern a society can be arrived at without the guidance of any religious text. In fact, in our society, the laws are made irrespective of religion.
So what use is a religious text as a moral guide?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Creationist Logic
Science has proven X, Y and Z.
Therefore science is wrong.
Therefore god did it. ("It" being whatever the creationist happens to be taking issue with at the moment.)
Friday, June 5, 2009
Atheist Blames God, D's Wager
Today I came to a realization, I can still blame god even though I don't believe in him. It's like blaming an imaginary friend. You know, blasphemy is a victimless crime. This is how it's a twisted Pasqual's wager, which I call D's Wager (tm)(c) June, 2009. If I'm wrong and god's real, then I'm fucked anyway as I've rejected him, the divinity of his son, the whole bit. I'm going to hell. So it doesn't matter if I say things that piss him off. And if that's the case I'm not going to waste an opportunity to get in a few licks before I go.
So, flat tire? Fuck you god! Why don't you be real so I can ask for help and tell you to fuck off for ignoring me!? Money problems? Well I don't love you either, god! And while we're at it, why don't you go ahead and exist and take some you-damned responsibilty for all the suffering and shit you've caused!?
D's Wager, it's a lose-lose, nothing to lose proposition. And sometimes it just feels good to shake your fist.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Baby's A Light Weight
When this happens I say, "My gosh Willow! Are you drunk!?" Sometimes people overhear this and I say with a shrug, "It's five o'clock somewhere."
Last week I was putting her in her car seat while she played the same game. As soon as she was in the seat she flopped, giggling furiously, to one side, while I struggled to buckle her in.
"Willow, are you crazy?" I asked?
She responded, "No. I'm drunk!" with great emphasis on the terminal 'k' sound.