Friday, June 5, 2009

Atheist Blames God, D's Wager

It's kind of a twisted version of Pasqual's wager. When I first began to self identify as an atheist I went through a brief period of frustration where I felt I didn't have anyone to blame for bad things in my life and in the world. If there's no god, there's no one to shake my fist at in despair. But damn it, sometimes I have to shake my fist!

Today I came to a realization, I can still blame god even though I don't believe in him. It's like blaming an imaginary friend. You know, blasphemy is a victimless crime. This is how it's a twisted Pasqual's wager, which I call D's Wager (tm)(c) June, 2009. If I'm wrong and god's real, then I'm fucked anyway as I've rejected him, the divinity of his son, the whole bit. I'm going to hell. So it doesn't matter if I say things that piss him off. And if that's the case I'm not going to waste an opportunity to get in a few licks before I go.

So, flat tire? Fuck you god! Why don't you be real so I can ask for help and tell you to fuck off for ignoring me!? Money problems? Well I don't love you either, god! And while we're at it, why don't you go ahead and exist and take some you-damned responsibilty for all the suffering and shit you've caused!?

D's Wager, it's a lose-lose, nothing to lose proposition. And sometimes it just feels good to shake your fist.

1 comment:

  1. I now am picturing you stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire, just waving your fist to the air.

