Hmm. Well, that kind of depends on the question, doesn't it?
In general I abhor violence. I don't hit my kid. I'm anti war. I tend not to want to fight someone who insults me. I've been in two actual physical fights I can remember in my life. Looking back there were no winners in either of them.
Ok, that's where I'm coming from.
But if someone were to take my greatest contribution to humanity, the very meaning of my existence, and dump on it...
Not that I've done anything earth shaking that will be forever remembered in the annals of history. But let's say that I had dome something amazing, like say, BEEN ONE OF THE FIRST PEOPLE ON THE MOON. Let's say I was one of a team who, piloting a spaceship whose computing power was on par with a DIGITAL WATCH, sat on a huge rocket, basically a controlled hydrogen bomb, which blasted us away from our home, our wives, our kids, our earth, our safety, steered that fucking tin can TO THE MOTHER LOVING MOON! Let's just say I was one of those amazingly brave sons of...
Ok, now let us just say that some jack off (Bart Sibrel) wrote a book about that journey claiming that it, all the contributions it made to society, science, technology, the history of cosmology, the pride of our country, were all a lie, that they never happened. Let's say jerk wad published such a book. Reason enough to become violent? Probably. But no. Hold off. He has the right to believe and to say whatever inane bullshit he wants.
Ok, now let's pretend that fuck off jerk accosted me in public, calling me a “coward and a liar…”
I know this is old news but it’s been getting a lot of play lately as this year marks the fortieth anniversary of Buzz, Neil and Michael’s famous walk. And, I hate to admit it, I just heard about this story for the first time today on an SGU podcast.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen it, check it out. It’s all over youtube. In 2002, Buzz, age 72 (That’s SEPTUAGENARIAN, bitches!), was waylaid by Sibrel, who call Buzz a “…coward and a liar…” at which point Buzz made another historic landing of a fist on the guy’s jaw.
Sibrel sued and LOST! The judge said the guy had it coming!
A! Sometimes I love this country!
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