Friday, October 18, 2013

Dear Oprah, We're Here, We're Atheists

This rant is brought to you courtesy of Oprah's total lack of courtesy, and obliviousness to her our lack of courtesy, seen in this clip, wherein she tells an atheist that she's not an atheist.

Basically Diana Nyad explains that though she's an atheist she still experiences awe in nature and the universe, whereupon Oprah tells her that that (nature etc.) is god and therefor Mz. Nyad is not an atheist.

OK for Oprah, let's unpack that. Note. (Oprah is by no means the first to make this argument. This blog goes out to everybody who's ever said this kind of thing to me.)

First of all throwing the label "god" onto everything makes it a meaningless word. If "god" means whatever gives your life meaning, whatever you find beautiful, or whatever is important in your life, then fine. Everybody is religious. The problem with that is that words have meaning. And there is no definition of the word "god" that allows for such careless sticker slapping. Furthermore, as a religious person herself, Oprah is weakening whatever version of god she believes in by stripping the word of all meaning. 

In short, if nature is god, why not just call it nature? If music is god, why not just call it music? If (insert thing that inspires awe) is god, why not just call it (insert thing that inspires awe)?

Let me give a few examples. I go to a burger joint and get a burger. It's so so. A couple days later I go and get a burger and it's delicious. It's like, "Damn! That was an awesome, tasty moffugin burger!" I do not leap to god as the cause of my "awe" at the taste of this burger. I know that sometimes a burger, even prepared by the same chef, in the same restaurant, will sometimes taste better than others. He was paying attention and didn't overcook it. The spices were just right. The ingredients were fresher. Whatever. There is no need to invoke god.

Likewise, when I listen to music and want to fall down and cry, I don't think of god. I understand that long ago humans discovered that certain sounds make us feel certain things and that over time we have learned how to manipulate those sounds in order to enhance the effects they have on us. Again, no god required.

When, in awe, I see the sun come up and go down, the tide come in and go out, with nary a miss-communication, I understand that there is no communication. Natural forces are at work, totally independent of any thoughtful, guiding hand. No need for a god.

And as for the feelings themselves, the terror primitive man felt at the power of the weather, later replaced by respect and awe, the sweeping ennui or inspiration created by great music, the enjoyment of the taste and texture of food, all of these are explained in a completely naturalistic way. No god required.

Now, Oprah wasn't trying to be rude. She was unintentionally disrespectful, I'm sure. But she was sure as heck showing a total lack of empathy and the ability to see another point of view. She simply can't understand someone not believing in god, to the point that she has to hand hammer the label "god" onto things she herself doesn't call god, in order to make herself feel better.

Oprah, listen. "Atheist" is not a bad word. It simply means someone who doesn't believe in a god. It doesn't mean someone devoid of feelings, devoid of hope, devoid of awe. It just means someone who finds those things somewhere other than god because s/he doesn't believe there is a god.

We're atheists. Deal with it.

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