Thursday, September 24, 2009

All Human Life Is Sacred?

There are many who are against universal health care on religious grounds. I don't understand this. There's nothing in the bible that says we shouldn't or can't collectively pay for health care. (Please feel free to correct me on this if there is a verse I'm overlooking.)

The hypocrisy of this is mind blowing. The Right to Life movement's mantra is ALL HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED! Apparently that phrase doesn't mean that the quality of all human life is sacred or that we have to be our "brother's keeper." Or perhaps they mean all human life that fits in a petri dish is sacred.

The religious want to have it both ways. (What? They're cherry picking? No! Really!?) At the beginning and end of life, life is sacred and must be vehemently defended. Abortion and euthanasia are murder and all good moral Christian men and women must join in the fight. But at any other point in life, when someone needs medical care, it's in god's hands and we have no responsibility for our fellows, either to make they're quality of life as high as we can or to keep them alive.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

God and other news

Mr. Deity Episode: Mr. Deity and the Planes. Free on iTunes.

And yes, they mean the 9/11 planes. Tasteless? How do you feel about God after watching?

And then, Michaiel Shermer guests stars on the latest episode, Mr. Deity and the Skeptic. Awesome.