Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Religious Freedom To Be Morons

I haven't blogged in a while and I know you're all sad about that. Sorry.

But sometimes all it takes to get me off my non-blogging butt is for several people to be assholes openly, in public.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate assholes. Everyone has the right to be an asshole. They should just keep it to themselves and not push their assholy agenda on the rest of us. Assholes want special rights and protections. And they want their assholyry taught in our schools. They want to teach our children that it's ok, that it's "natural" to be assholes. They want the right to marry each other.

Well it's a slippery slope people. Wake up. If we allow assholes to have their way, they'll force their asshole lifestyle right into our living rooms. Pretty soon our children will marry assholes and we'll all become assholes. And then what's to stop people from becoming total dickheads and douche bags, even mother fuckers?

So by now you may be saying, "D, you're not political. Why all this ass-un-holy fury? What inspired this anti-A-hole rant?"

Well, this:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009