Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cameron and Comfort WOTM bullshit

They're at it again. Kirk Cameron and "other guy" Ray Comfort (the man so fond of the banana) are pushing their religious opposition to science, complete with all the typical crap creationist tend to include in their EVILution tirades.

This time the attack takes the form of a book give away on university campuses. Check it out.

Yep, they're giving away Origin of Species. As far as I know the text is intact, unaltered. But they've included a 50 PAGE intro by Ray Comfort. It contains all the same crap creationists have pumped out and which has all been debunked and discredited time and time again. These guys know these arguments are fallacious, flawed, disproved, wrong and yet they keep recycling them. This is called lying.

Notice that the video promoting this project starts out with a collection of lies:
"Our kids can no longer pray in public. " Flat out lie.

"They can no longer freely open a bible in school." Lie.

"The ten commandments are no longer allowed to be displayed in public places." Lie. They are not allowed on government land. But in public, not so.

"And the Gideons are not even allowed to give away bibles in schools." Partial truth. In ONE school district in Missouri, the courts ruled the Gideons couldn't distribute to students, and this only applies to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! Lie of omission.

"...in the top 50 universities in our country, in the fields of psychology and biology, 61% of the professors describe themselves as atheists or agnostics." True. But what he leaves out of the statement is that when professors from all disciplines were polled the number dropped to about 23%.

Hmm...I could have sworn I'd head Kirk and Ray preach about the sin of lying.


  1. I don't even give Ray Comfort the joy of his own name. I call him "other guy."

    And Kirk only gets to go by his name because...well, he did play Mike Ceaver.

  2. I think I'll go try and give copies of the Koran to their kids at school, and see what they think. 'Cause that should be okay, right? Right?
